Offering to the Storm Characters

Offering to the Storm Character List

Amaia Salazar

Amaia is a female detective and protagonist of the novel. Other detectives work under Amaia, and most of them are male. Consequently, her male counterparts often humiliate her, but she is resilient, humble, and focused on accomplishing her duties. Amaia has to undertake the most difficult assignment in dealing with cases involving the loss of infants allegedly used for sacrificial purposes. The village people offer children sacrifices to evil spirits in exchange for material gains.

While growing up, Amaia witnessed the death of her twin sister, and she knew that her parents had sacrificed her. Throughout her life, Amaia witnessed insecurity and violence against young, innocent children by intruders who aimed to sacrifice children. Similar cases have been reported, and now it is the responsibility of Amaia to investigate and bring up a report that will aid the authorities in stopping the heinous act of offering children for material gain. Currently, Amaia holds the position of provincial Police Inspector of Navarra.

Inspector Montes

Inspector Montes works with Amaia, and he is an old-fashioned police officer. Montes has a personal crisis. The paradox of the missing children also troubles him, and he promises Amaia his full support in ensuring the intended mission is accomplished. Therefore, Inspector Montes is a vital figure working alongside Amaia resolves the major issue affecting society.

Deputy Inspector Jonan Extaide

Inspector Jonan Extaide is an intelligent man. Besides being an anthropologist and archeologist, Inspector John is excellent at executing his duties. Therefore, Amaia finds Extaide as one of the most trusted detectives she can work with. Additionally, Extaide is respective and mature, unlike other male detectives who make fun of her because she is a woman at the helm of the investigative agency.


James is Amaia’s husband and is an American sculptor. When the story begins, Amaia and her husband have a five-month-old baby. The child is under the care of her father, and they live in France. James demonstrates that men can support their spouses and ensure that the family tree continues without disruption.


Rosario is Amaia’s mother, and she went missing during a furious flood that swept the village. During the flood, Rosario was doing her normal routine at the psychiatric facility. Amaia’s siblings believe their mother is dead; she is convinced that her mother is alive. Amaia also thought that her mother, Rosario, was a witch, and she was involved in the mysterious disappearance of children and unexplained deaths in the village.

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