Offering to the Storm Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Offering to the Storm Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Crib Death as a symbol of offering

The author uses "crib death" to symbolize the act of sacrificing children for material gain. Amaia’s village is well known for sacrificing children in exchange for wealth and evil powers. While growing up, Amaia’s twin sister suffered a crib death, and she realized that her parents sacrificed her intentionally to be rich. Amaia’s mother, Rosana, is a witch, and she participates in the village's mysterious disappearance of infants.

Witchcraft as a symbol of evil power

Witchcraft is a symbol of evil power. A powerful evil spirit demands sacrifices from people who want to be rich. Witches are used as agents of the evil spirit because they conduct secret assignments involving killing infants to satisfy the bloodthirsty evil power that gives prosperity to those who obey him at all levels. Therefore, witches are at the center of the evil power's influence in the village.

Amaia as a symbol of courage

Amaia undertakes the most dangerous task of ensuring that she fights the evil in society. Amaia is a courageous woman who heads an investigative team composed of male detectives, but she is up for the task. The biggest task is to unravel the mysterious disappearances of infants, and Amaia is in charge of this investigation. Amaia is a daring woman because she is a victim of these evil spirits in her village. For instance, Amaia’s sister suffered a crib death, and similar cases were rampant during her investigative assignment.

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