The Memory Police Imagery

The Memory Police Imagery

The Present World

“When I was a child, the whole place seemed…how can I put this… a lot fuller, a lot more real. But as things got thinner, more full of holes, our hearts got thinner, too, diluted somehow. I suppose that kept things in balance.”

This quote highlights how bleak the future is. Once upon a time, things had meaning and a purpose, but now they evade the Protagonist’s mind, and instead her mind is “full of holes.” There is an inherent feeling of loss reflected here because the protagonist has lost all her memories of everything important to her and she recognizes this concept, but she still cannot reclaim her thoughts.

Rose garden

“The surface of the river was covered with tiny fragments of…something… in an indescribable array of hues – reds, pinks, and whites – so thick that not a space was visible between them.”

This quote is in reference to the disappearance of the roses from the rose garden. It seems that even when a memory so precious is being lost, it is still a beautiful image. The fact that the protagonist does not recognize the petals and instead refers to it as “something” is heart-breaking.

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