The Incredible Journey Characters

The Incredible Journey Character List


Longridge is an animal researcher and a close friend to the Hunters family. Longridge loves pets and other animal species. After learning that the Hunters family wants to relocate to England with their pets, he volunteers to take care of them till they return from their trip.

Longridge does his best to care for the pets. When Longridge goes on an animal expedition, the pets sneak from the compound to start a long journey to Canada to trace their home. When Longridge returns home, he feels sad and does not know what to tell the Hunter family when they finally return. Longridge also feels guilty because he does not know how to convince Mrs. Oaks it is not his fault for the disappearance of the pets.


Elizabeth is the daughter of James Hunter and the owner of Tao, the cat pet. Elizabeth is the most optimistic person in her family. After returning from England, Elizabeth is not shocked after learning that the pets ran away from Mr. Longridge, who was taking care of them. Elizabeth is optimistic they will reunite with their pets.

When Elizabeth assures Lonfridge that the pets will return, he reluctantly agrees because he does not want to kill her optimism. According to Longridge, the pets might not be alive because of the long distance and the dangers of predators in the forest where they are traversing to locate their home. At last, Elizabeth and her family reunite with their pets in the nearby forest.


Bodger is the eldest pet in James Hunter’s family. Bodger lives with his fellow pets, Tao and Luath. Bodger is well-built and the most protective in the family. However, Bodger is 11 years old, and his energy is declining. Bodger has a strong bond with Peter, his human friend. Peter started caring for Bodger when he was one year old. Therefore, the bond between Peter and Bodger is strong. When Peter and his family return from England and find the pets missing, Peter is the most hurt because he cannot imagine losing Bodger


Peter is the son of James Hunter and the elder brother of Elizabeth. Peter is the human friend of Bodger, the elderly pet in the family. Peter is 12 years old, and he started taking care of Bodger at the age of one.

Mr. James Hunters

James is Peter and Elizabeth’s father. James is a loving father who encourages his children to love pets and take good care of them because they are part of the family. James lives with his family in Ontario, Canada. When James gets an opportunity to teach in England, he relocates with his family but leaves the pets under the care of Longridge.

Mrs. Oaks

Mrs. Oaks is an affectionate woman who loves pets. Mrs. Oaks works for Longridge and often cares for the pets Luath, Bodger, and Tao. One day, Mrs. Oaks wakes up and finds the pets missing. She assumes Longridge went with them but later learns they sneaked at night.


Luath is the golden retriever pet belonging to James in Hunter’s family. Luath is the youngest and newest of the three pets. Luath has brown eyes and golden-brown fur. Luath is the most intelligent and fearless. Luath influences the other two pets to sneak out of Longridge’s compound to trace their home, which is 300 miles away. Luath leads others to pass through dangerous forests and landscapes. Luath’s strong sense of smell enables him to detect dangerous creatures from a distance. Fortunately, Luath leads his friends to their home, and they reunite with their human family.


Tao is the pet cat under the care of Elizabeth in the Hunter family. Tao loves hunting for her food, unlike Bodger and Luath. While crisscrossing the forest to locate their home, Tao plays a vital role in hunting for food to ensure the team is not hungry. In addition, Tao is protective and fearless because she scares any prey that attempts to attack them in the forest.

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