The Incredible Journey Themes

The Incredible Journey Themes

Communication and Cooperation

The overarching thematic premise of the novel is that the animal protagonists communicate and cooperate with each other despite being from different species or breeds within a species. The author was inspired to pursue this theme in her work of fiction based upon extensive observation of the phenomenon in the natural world around her. She noted that communication and cooperation are a regular part of the animal world that can be empirically observed. From this observational perspective, a story was crafted in which dogs and cats work together despite representing two species more commonly situated as antagonists opposing each other's interest in fiction. In addition. a retriever and terrier work toward the same goals despite inherent differences in the tasks they were specifically bred to do for humans. This interspecies collaboration also ultimately brings humans into the mix due to the effects of the domestication of cats and dogs over the centuries.

Following Instincts

Although the animals are personified to a certain degree, this book is typically considered an example of a realistic animal story. This is due to the animals behaving naturally despite certain dramatic licenses allowing the narrative to proceed smoothly. Letting the dogs and the cat which are the story's protagonists act "naturally" means that their instinctive behavior drives the narrative. The dogs and the cat set off on their incredible journey as a result of following an instinct to locate and reunite with their masters. As the story progresses, instinctual behavior allows the characters to survive their journey across the Canadian wilderness. The subtext of the story expands upon this theme to suggest that humans should be more attuned to their own instinct when making behavioral decisions.


The importance of loyalty as a theme in the book is examined on two different levels. The entire story is driven by the loyalty of the animals to their owners. After being left in the care of a friend of their owners who seems to have forsaken their needs, the dogs and cat set off in search of their loyal masters. Along the way, the second level of this theme takes center stage. The three animals come to depend upon one another for their safety and nurturing. They find themselves in situations where loyalty to their threesome must take precedence over individual loyalty to self-preservation. It is only by remaining loyal to each other that they can regain the loyalty of their masters.

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